Being located in Central America, all the wildlife in both North and America converge and overlap and this results in a super high concentration of biodiversity!
The Institute of Biodiversity says that of the estimated 500000 species in Costa Rica only 94000 species have been discovered. It is estimated that between 1-2 new species are found DAILY!
Here are some facts I leaned today:
There are 6 species of monkey. 4 are common including the howler monkey, squirrel monkey, and capuchin.
Sloths. There are 3 species: two toed, three toed and five toed. Ha ha. JK. Five toed is us...humans.
Bats: there are 110 species in Costa Rica. In the United States we only have 47 species. 3 of these are vampire bats. Some bats sleep during the day and make tents in dead leaves on the ground. Some roost on tree trunks. There are fishing bats in Tortuguera too! We may see bats flying around the lights in Monteverdi
Frogs: sadly there are 60 % less species now than 20 years ago due to Climate change.
There is as a Fungi which kills off frogs because their skin is so sensitive. Harlequin frog. Golden toad of Monteverdi is 30 years extinct.
Most frogs are nocturnal. Some are as tiny a pinky nail
Glass frog have Translucent bellies. Can see all organs. Amazing beautiful.
Red eyed leaf frog
The Poison dart Frog Eats ants and they glean the formic acid that the ants make. They then make a Patracotixin which exudes though skin when they are stressed. It's a Neurotoxin stops heart
Philobatis terribilis
Quetzal bird mythic bird mid elevations highlands. They Eat mountain avocados. Monteverdi symbol is the quetzal and Indigenous people wear quetzal feathers. Indigenous people in the lowlands wear macaw feathers
So many insects! 30000 species of beetle including the Rhinoceros hercule beetle. We will also see Walking sticks.
There are 12000 species of Lepidoptera...moths and butterflies. The longest migrations the green black moth that flies from Mexico to the Amazon.m
There are 137 diff species of snake. 22 are venomous including the fearsome fer de lance.
Costa rica is the main producer of antivenin. Picallo inventor. I need to look up the history of antiven.
They have even found Fossils in caves of Armadillos, mammoths and giant sloth which were 9-15 feet tall.
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