Sunday, February 8, 2015


Did you know that Costa Rica has a richer degree of biodiversity than Europe and the USA, put together?!   Do you know what biodiversity means?   We will be talking about biodiversity in my 8th grade classes after break to frame our study of Kingdom Animalia.  

Here are some of the megafauna we may see....

So many awesome animals!


Baby sloth!

White bats. These an be found huddled up together underneath a curled up banana leaf. 

(He's a beauty but I am not sure I want to see him up close and personal. )

Here are some of the tinier animals we may see:

This little one is a new species of dwarf salamander discovered in 2009.

Ahh.  The iconic Blue Morpho butterfly.  Do you know why the wings are blue?  

A Flat Footed Bug.  This dude is related to stink bugs which are common in our area.  Notice the X on his back. 


Cicada!!!!   I love cicadas!  Remind me to tell you why when we get back to school...

Did I say tiny?  

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